We are excited to introduce you to our Collegiate Recovery Leadership Academy Class of 2022! This cohort hails from 21 states and 32 campuses from around the country. With diverse educational, professional, and recovery backgrounds we know that this group of students will not only make impactful changes on their campuses but will leave a lasting mark on the national collegiate recovery movement.
–Chava T., Tulane Law
–Robin B., University of North Carolina at Greensboro
–Hannah P., Mississippi State University
–Dakota B., Turtle Mountain Community College
–Becca T., Marshall University
–Zoë O., University of Kentucky
–Lindsay P., University of Hawaii: Honolulu Community College
–Shaquelle B., Saint Augustine’s University
–Nai’a A., University of Hawaii – West Oahu
–Kaitlyn P., University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
–Marlon B., Mississippi State University
–Nyeree B., University of California, Davis
–Amanda F., SUNY Albany
–Shaniqua S., University of Baltimore
–Maggie C., University of Nevada, Reno
–Emma W., Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
–Danielle A., University of Colorado – Denver at the Colorado School of Public Health
–Leah W., Colorado State University
–Brittany G., University of North Carolina at Greensboro
–Bobby B., Anne Arundel Community College
–Kelian N., Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School of Addiction Studies
–Tyler H., The Ohio State University/The University of Utah
–Zev K., Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School of Addiction Studies
–Matthew K., University of Nevada, Reno
–Laurie B., North Carolina State University
–Terry G., Cincinnati State College
–Cody T., The University of Chicago
–Heidi-Ann A., University of Hawaii at Manoa
–Adriana D., Methodist University
–Jennifer D., Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School
–Patsy B., University of Baltimore
The Collegiate Recovery Leadership Academy is made possible thanks to the generosity of our sponsor.