The addiction epidemic has become the single largest cause of fatalities among men and women under the age of 50.
This epidemic is hurting our nation, and we need your help to fight it. Here are a few ways you can be part of the solution and join us in taking action against the addiction epidemic.
#1 – Take the #NaloxoneSavesChallenge
Naloxone, also known as Narcan®, is a medicine used by emergency medical professionals to reverse an overdose. Naloxone saves lives every day and helps get people to treatment, but we believe more progress can be made if more people know about Naloxone and keep it on hand.
Our #NaloxoneSavesChallenge is a social media campaign to raise awareness about the importance of Naloxone. There are five easy steps to take the challenge and spread the word about Naloxone with your friends and family. Learn about the importance of Naloxone and how to participate in the social media challenge.
#2 – Share Your Story
Have you been personally impacted by the addiction epidemic? Whether your story is a story of loss or a story of recovery, we believe sharing our stories is a powerful way to help others feel less alone in the wake of addiction. Stories can give us strength to take a stand against the addiction epidemic and break the stigma that surrounds addiction. We invite you to share your story here.
#3 – Take a Stand in Your Community
If you’re looking to help your community better address the addiction epidemic, check out our SAFE Community Playbook. Inside this guide, we will walk you through finding the right team of community constituents to lead your effort, working together to identify your priorities, and finally, putting your work into action using examples from other communities around the county.
#4 – Donate
Your generosity we will help us develop new programs and expand existing programs for our SAFE Campuses, SAFE Communities and SAFE Veterans initiatives. SAFE Project is a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and we offer multiple ways to donate. Donate today.
#5 – Volunteer
We have a wide range of volunteer opportunities and activities aimed at serving your community and/or campus in a way that helps overcome the opioid and addiction epidemic. Don’t see your skill listed? Let us know what you’d like to do.
#6 – Share the Message
Help us raise awareness of this national problem and educate the public. Share the message by clicking on the “Share on Twitter” and “Share on Facebook” links below.
The addiction epidemic that has become the single largest cause of fatalities among men and women under the age of 50 in our nation. I support @SAFEProjectUS in their effort to end this epidemic. #StoptheEpidemic
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....[SAFE Project] is amazingly comprehensive in its approach to the opioid epidemic. ”