Merging of resources creates powerful database for drug policy and laws.
National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws (NAMSDL) and SAFE Project are proud to announce their partnership to co-produce the national resource, SAFE Takes. The blending of each organization’s policy expertise with NAMSDL’s research strengths will provide new insight and “takes” on where White House and National Governors Association priorities are progressing in state and local communities. These results will inform government, communities, non-profits, public and private sectors to understand gaps, challenges, and opportunities to positively impact the country’s addiction crisis. SAFE Takes comments on legislation impacting the following topics: Public Awareness; Family Outreach & Support, Prescription Medicine, Full-Spectrum Prevention, Law Enforcement & Medical Response, Treatment & Recovery, and National Coordination. Linkages to key policy, legislative, and programmatic resources are in development.
ABOUT NAMSDL: Since 1993, NAMSDL has been increasing the impact of state laws, policies and best practices aimed at reducing substance use disorders in the following areas: prevention and intervention, treatment, recovery support, overdose abatement, and criminal justice. This is accomplished by
- identifying the most urgent and important issues,
- collaborating with systems, practitioners, policy leaders, researchers, and individuals with first hand experience, and
- equipping states with comprehensive, effective, practical tools that make an impact.
2021 Priorities:
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Prevent disparate impact of laws as written or applied
- Justice Access to Treatment: Appropriate treatment, recovery, social services & case management at all points in the justice continuum
- Predatory Treatment Practices: Patient protection through ethical and effective treatment; enforcement
- Trauma Informed Policing: Reduce and heal trauma for communities and officers during times of crisis
- Opioid Abatement: Ensure settlement funds create or supplement programs and services for prevention, treatment, and recovery
- Stimulants: Strategies and best practices to prevent the next prescription crisis
- Good Samaritan: Protection from arrest/charges saves lives, including use of naloxone, connections to treatment and recovery, deflection
SAFE (Stop the Addiction Fatality Epidemic) Project is a national 501(c)3 nonprofit committed to overcoming the epidemic of addiction in the United States. Using a collaborative, multi-pronged and non-partisan approach, our key initiatives focus on SAFE Campuses, SAFE Communities, SAFE Veterans and SAFE Workplaces. They are fueled by SAFE Project’s six lines of operation: public awareness, full-spectrum prevention, prescriptions & medical response, law enforcement & criminal justice, treatment & recovery and family outreach & support. Thanks to the generosity of our donors and the support from our volunteers, SAFE Project turns hope into action through transformative programs, training, and technical assistance. For more information, visit
Michele Worobiec, President, NAMSDL,